Friday, January 19, 2007


"The rest is history, or rather, mythology: thirty seconds of action followed by a century of propaganda, ranging from dime novels and Earp's own self-serving biography, through at least six motion pictures and an episode of Star Trek. Each description of the fight (or massacre) presents a slightly different twist, and little can be said with certainty today, except that three men died and three were wounded. It is however, possible to draw at least some conclusions. First, the famous shootout did not occur at the O.K. Corral, but nearby, in an alley adjacent to Camillus Fly's photographic studio. Two of the Clanton group (Ike and Tom McLowery) were certainly unarmed when the Earps and Holliday arrived." This is what Michael said about the Earps and the Clantons in Tombstone, AZ.

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