Saturday, January 20, 2007


"The slaying of the victim, George Mueller was done in Blue Island, Illinois on March 29, 1986. On July 16, 1987, Blue Island Patrolman Ronald Tellez, age 31, was arrested at work and charged with murder. Held without bond at the same time were the victim's 32 year old wife and her 48 year old ex-husband, Joseph Henke...Connie Mueller, for her part, received a ten-year prison term in December 1989 for conspiring to have her husband killed. Jurors deliberated for 90 minutes before convicting Ronald Tellez of first-degree murder. The next day at his sentencing hearing, former cellmates described his boasting of multiple murders, along with his plans to break out of jail by sawing through the metal bars on his window. Eleven jurors wanted to execute Tellez, but one stubborn holdout refused to agree, compelling the court to impose a sentence of life imprisonment without parole. In the aftermath of that decision, juror Lissa Cuneen described Tellez as 'about the most vental little person I've seen in my life. He gave me the creeps.' Jury foreman Dan Sopocy was even more outspoken: 'The guy's scum....The man is a piece of filth.'On April 29, 1992 Ronald Tellez was convicted of killing Harold Rowley in South Bend, back in 1984. Jurors deliberated eight hours before returning the guilty verdict, and Tellez drew a sentence of 50 years, to be served concurrently with his life term in Illinois. Eleven months later, on March 24, 1993, the Indiana Court of Appeals upheld his conviction." This is what Michael said.

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