Monday, January 29, 2007
"The histories of Buddha and Jesus are, without doubt, near in resemblance. Compare the following:Buddha was born of the Virgin Maya, who conceived him without carnal intercourse.Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, who conceived him without carnal intercourse. The birth of Buddha was announced in the heavens by an asterim which was seen rising on the horizon. It is called the 'Messianic Star.'The birth of Jesus was announced in the heavens by 'his star,' which was seen rising on the horizon. It might properly be called the 'Messianic Star.'The son of the Virgin Maya was said to have been born on Christmas day. The son of the Virgin Mary was said to have been born of Christmas day. Buddha was a 'dangerous child.' His life was threatened by King Bimbasara,who was advised to destroy the child, as he was liable to overthrow him.Jesus was a 'dangerous child.' His life was threatened by king Herod, who attempted to destroy the child, as he was liable to overthrow him.When Buddha was about to go forth to adopt a religious life, Mara (the author of evil) appeared before him, to tempt him. When Jesus was about 'beginning to preach,' the devil appeared before him, to tempt him.Buddha fasted for a long period. Jesus fasted forty days and nights.Buddha is to be judge of the dead. Jesus is to be the judge of the dead.Buddha is Alpha and Omega, without beginning or end, the Supreme Being, the Eternal One. Jesus is Alpha and Omega, without beginning or end, the Supreme Being, the eternal One.Buddha is represented as saying, 'Let all the sins that were committed in this world fall on me, that the world may be delivered.' Jesus is represented as the Savior of mankind, so that the world may be delivered.Buddha came, not to destroy, but fulfill the law. Jesus came not to destroy the law, but fulfill it. According to Buddha, the motive of all our actions should be pity or love for our neighbor. According to Jesus, we're to love our enemies, bless that curse you and do good to them that hate you." This is what Thomas said.
Monday, January 22, 2007
"A native of Northwood, Ohio, Jeffrey Hodge dreamed of becoming a policeman for as long as anyone could remember. For Jeff, that was it, everything. He wanted to wear a badge...When he graduated as a full-fledged cop in May 1990, a job was waiting for him with the TU campus force.His first semester on the job, Patrolman Hodge chalked up some impressive arrests. At the same time, however, something had gone drastically wrong although campus officials would not recognize the problem for some time. The same Jeff Hodge was described as cocky, gungho and eager. Some co-eds complained of his brusqueness and arrogance, while others caught him rating as they walked by. Hodge arrested a co-ed for driving while intoxicated, then suggested that they meet later, 'to talk it over.' She indignantly refused and filed a complaint. The mother of another busted girl remembers that it sounded as if Officer Hodge wanted to ask the girl for a date.Melissa Herstum was murdered. A lab report identified microscopic traces of Melissa's skin on Hodge's handcuffs.In May 1993, Hodge instructed his lawyer to seek a plea bargain and prosecutors agreed to waive the death penalty in return for a full confession. Hodge pled guilty before Judge Judith Lanzinger, on May 16. Hodge handcuffed her and shot her. When the body had not been recovered the next day, Hodge had faked the emergency call to Checker Cab, thus giving himself an excuse to 'discover' Melissa's remains.The confession was enough to earn Hodge a life sentence for aggravated murder, with no parole for the first 20 years, plus ten to 25 years for kidnapping and a mandatory three years for using a gun in commission of a crime. It adds up to a minimum of 33 years behind bars, making Hodge eligible for parole in 2026 A.D. at the age 57." This is what Michael said.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
"Len Davis was a problem cop from Day One. Before he ever applied for a job with New Orleans P.D., he had already been arrested on charges of assault and urinating in public. Admitted to the police academy against all logic, in 1987, he was kicked out for disciplinary infractions, but then was allowed to return and complete the course. On the street, he quickly amassed a file of civilian complaints, ranging from simple discourtesy to theft, physical intimidation, and outright brutality. By 1994, he had logged two reprimands and four suspensions including a 51 day suspension in 1992 for striking a woman in the head with his flashlight. On the side, it was rumored, he also dealt drugs and had quick-trigger violence. It is, perhaps, a commentary on the state of law enforcement in New Orleans that a cop like Davis could retain his badge with such extreme behavior. As one disgusted fellow office explained the situation, 'He had an internal affairs jacket as thick as a telephone book, but supervisors have swept his dirt under the rug for so long that it's coming back to haunt them.'FBI agents were investigating charges of police corruption in the Crescent City, including allegations that police were selling drugs stolen from he department's evidence locker. Davis was among the targets of the probe.Davis and eight other cops were indicted on additional narcotics charges, which alleged that they had accepted $97,000 in bribes for looting a police warehouse of cocaine, afterward distributing the dope from heir patrol cars."..Len Davis was convicted of a murder. Len Davis had not seen the end of his troubles yet, however. On September 13, 1996, he was convicted on federal narcotics charges. Davis was sentenced to death for the Groves murder on November 7, 1996. Six weeks later, he received a sentence for a narcotics conviction." This is what Michael said.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
"The slaying of the victim, George Mueller was done in Blue Island, Illinois on March 29, 1986. On July 16, 1987, Blue Island Patrolman Ronald Tellez, age 31, was arrested at work and charged with murder. Held without bond at the same time were the victim's 32 year old wife and her 48 year old ex-husband, Joseph Henke...Connie Mueller, for her part, received a ten-year prison term in December 1989 for conspiring to have her husband killed. Jurors deliberated for 90 minutes before convicting Ronald Tellez of first-degree murder. The next day at his sentencing hearing, former cellmates described his boasting of multiple murders, along with his plans to break out of jail by sawing through the metal bars on his window. Eleven jurors wanted to execute Tellez, but one stubborn holdout refused to agree, compelling the court to impose a sentence of life imprisonment without parole. In the aftermath of that decision, juror Lissa Cuneen described Tellez as 'about the most vental little person I've seen in my life. He gave me the creeps.' Jury foreman Dan Sopocy was even more outspoken: 'The guy's scum....The man is a piece of filth.'On April 29, 1992 Ronald Tellez was convicted of killing Harold Rowley in South Bend, back in 1984. Jurors deliberated eight hours before returning the guilty verdict, and Tellez drew a sentence of 50 years, to be served concurrently with his life term in Illinois. Eleven months later, on March 24, 1993, the Indiana Court of Appeals upheld his conviction." This is what Michael said.
Friday, January 19, 2007
"The rest is history, or rather, mythology: thirty seconds of action followed by a century of propaganda, ranging from dime novels and Earp's own self-serving biography, through at least six motion pictures and an episode of Star Trek. Each description of the fight (or massacre) presents a slightly different twist, and little can be said with certainty today, except that three men died and three were wounded. It is however, possible to draw at least some conclusions. First, the famous shootout did not occur at the O.K. Corral, but nearby, in an alley adjacent to Camillus Fly's photographic studio. Two of the Clanton group (Ike and Tom McLowery) were certainly unarmed when the Earps and Holliday arrived." This is what Michael said about the Earps and the Clantons in Tombstone, AZ.
Recommended Reading
Cantalupe, Joe and Lisa Perillo. Badge of Betrayal. New York: Avon, 1991.Cartel, Michael. Disguise of Sanity: Serial Mass Murderers. Toluca Lake, CA Pepperbox Books, 1985Th 10-6-1994 T 10-11-94 Sat., 8-12-95 5:45-6 p.m. 11-1-05 8:40 a.m. -10 a.m.Eagles, Charles. Outside agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rigths Movement in Alabama. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993.Golab, Jan. The Dark Side of the Force: A True Story of Corruption and Murder in the LAPD. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1993.Humes, Edward. Murder with a Badge. New York: Onyx, 1992.Varon, Joseph A. A Matter of Judgment. Hollywood, FL: Lifetime Books, 1994
Thursday, January 18, 2007
"As police chief of Lyons, Nebraska, 30 miles northwest of Omaha, Gregory Webb was a figure commanding substantial respect. A 36 year old bachelor, he apparently enjoyed no shortage of female companionship, and chief among his ladyfriends was Anna Marie Anton, a 34-year-old neighbor who lived in the same apartment house with Webb. By December 1986, however, their relationship had fallen on hard times, Anton was complaining about the attention Webb was paying to other young women in town.On December 15, the quarrel came to a head, and Anton was killed by two gunshots to the abdomen. Chief Webb had already fled town by the time her corpse was discovered, and investigation led to his indictment on first-degree murder charges. Catching up to the fugitive cop was another matter, however, for Webb had run all the way to Central America. In March 1987, he returned to the United States and settled in Volusia County, Florida, working construction under a variety of psuendonyms that included "Mark Engelkens, "Gregory James Webber, andBig Jim."Webb had nearly stopped looking over his shoulder by February 1993, when his case was profiled by Robert Stack on the NBC television program Unsolved Mysteries. A neighbor in Holly Hill, Florida, recognized his photo on the tube and called police, who waited for Webb on February 23, arresting him when he appeared to pick up a crew of Daytona Beach construction workers. Returned to Nebraska for the trial, Webb was held without bond...On March 3, 1994, Webb pled no contest to manslaughter in Anton's death' he also pled guilty to a charge of tampering with evidence, related to his attempted concealment of her body. Two months later, on May 5, Webb was sentenced to a maximum of 19 years in prison for his crimes." This is what Michael said.
Monday, January 15, 2007
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