Sunday, August 24, 2008


"The first places law enforcement officers or private bounty hunters will stake out when on the trial of a fugitive will be bus, train, and airline terminals. Any appearance in any public area, no matter how brief, will be dangerous for the fugitive. As a minimum precaution, any fugitive traveling on a commercial conveyance will have to travel in disguise.

The most dangerous form of public travel for the fugitive is flying on a commercial airlines. The federal requirement that everyone boarding a commercial aircraft show photo ID makes it difficult, though not impossible, to get on the plane....Air travel is risky. Once the aircraft is in the air, there's no possibility of escape should anyone recognize the fugitive. Commercial aviation should be avoided unless the speed of escape is of critical importance.

It is possible to board a bus or train without showing ID at the counter or at the door to the bus. But public buses and trains are still risky, especially for the fugitive the media has exposed in print and on TV."

This is what Jefferson said.

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