Thursday, February 8, 2007


"Planting condos where they're likely to be found by your the fellow employees, girlfriend, or wife can be devastating. A bachelor would probably not be embarrassed if a fellow employee were to see a box of condos when he opened his desk drawer. However, a wife is another matter, especially the wife of a doctor or clergyman. Planting condoms can be very easy in some instances. In the southern states, motorists often leave a window open a crack during the summer months, to let out the hot air, when they park their cars. A condom will easily slip through the crack. The method is to slip a condom through the passenger's side window, if it's open, as it won't work as well on the driver's side. If the wife notices the condom on the seat or floor, she'll have some pointed questions to ask him! A used condom will have an even better effect! Anyone who leaves his car unlocked leaves himself open...Leaving a well-known and smelly bra in the back seat is one way or provoking accusatory questions from the wife. Dirty panties, stains and all, are even more spectacular." If you know that his wife packs and unpacks his suitcase, a bar of soap wrapped with another hotel's label in his bag on the last day of your trip. The wife will wonder why he told her he would be at the Holiday Inn in Dayton when she turns up a bar of soap from Best Western in Chicago! A person could slip a pair of dirty women's panties into his suitcase just before the return home. His wife will get a big surprise when she unpacks hubby's case!If he or she calls on you to substantiate his whereabouts with his wife, back him up in the certainty she won't believe you. Many women believe that men stick together to cover each other's infidelities." This is what Victor said.

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