Friday, February 23, 2007


"She had learned that she had something precious and that she had to take care of it, protect it. She feared her sexuality. Wasn't it what made talking to strange men dangerous, and letting a boy 'go too far' bad? If she wasn't careful, she knew a boy (only after one thing) would yank this precious thing away from her and then mock her allowing him to do so. Those fears were real. Boys would and did, as she saw when the desperate to be accepted girl went too far got laughed at, snicked about, an "easy lay.' There were clearly only two kinds of women: ladies and sluts. Nothing in between, and she couldn't be too careful.

Romance. Clark Gable would carry her up in a red-carpeted staircase. Burt Lancaster would ravage her on the beach The beautiful boy is the senior class with the white teeth and the coopery tan skin would fall hopelessly in love with her, and take her into a daisy stream meadow where his mouth would melt into hers and she would tumble gracefully from virginity to nonvirginity without a latch. There was no nervous fumbling in back seats, no guilty pawning or living room sofas in her image of what 'it' making love would be like."

Sophia Loren said: "Sex appeal is 50 percent what you've got and 50 percent what people think you've got."

This is what another person said.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


"The term 'Gaslighting' comes from the 1944 movie, Gaslight, starring Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, and Joseph Cotten. In the movie, Charles Boyer tries to convince his wife that she's going insane by contriving incidents designated to make it appear as if she's forgetful, disoriented, and confused. As Ingrid Bergman played a Victorian housewife, Boyer's evil character had total control over her environment, and was able to use the force of his personality to convince Bergman that she had inherited bad genes from her mother, who had died insane .In that limited Victorian environment, without telephone, radio, television, and E-Mail, the techniques available were very few. Boyer hid some of her possessions, to make it appear that Bergman was becoming acutely forgetful. Rooms lighting was by gas, which provided an opportunity for devious mind-damaging. Boyer would sneak into the attic, for example, to rummage among the goods stored in it, and turn on the gaslight, which would cause the pressure to drop in the bedroom below. Ingrid Bergman became so psyched out that she thought she was imagining the dimming of the light in her room." "Surprise is an essential element....well under way..." This is what Victor said.


"Planting condos where they're likely to be found by your the fellow employees, girlfriend, or wife can be devastating. A bachelor would probably not be embarrassed if a fellow employee were to see a box of condos when he opened his desk drawer. However, a wife is another matter, especially the wife of a doctor or clergyman. Planting condoms can be very easy in some instances. In the southern states, motorists often leave a window open a crack during the summer months, to let out the hot air, when they park their cars. A condom will easily slip through the crack. The method is to slip a condom through the passenger's side window, if it's open, as it won't work as well on the driver's side. If the wife notices the condom on the seat or floor, she'll have some pointed questions to ask him! A used condom will have an even better effect! Anyone who leaves his car unlocked leaves himself open...Leaving a well-known and smelly bra in the back seat is one way or provoking accusatory questions from the wife. Dirty panties, stains and all, are even more spectacular." If you know that his wife packs and unpacks his suitcase, a bar of soap wrapped with another hotel's label in his bag on the last day of your trip. The wife will wonder why he told her he would be at the Holiday Inn in Dayton when she turns up a bar of soap from Best Western in Chicago! A person could slip a pair of dirty women's panties into his suitcase just before the return home. His wife will get a big surprise when she unpacks hubby's case!If he or she calls on you to substantiate his whereabouts with his wife, back him up in the certainty she won't believe you. Many women believe that men stick together to cover each other's infidelities." This is what Victor said.